Week 4
This week we worked a made ideas in Adobe XD.
Notes taken as I learned web design this summer
This week we worked a made ideas in Adobe XD.
This week did some cool stuff. We started learning and using adobe. We started with photoshop, where we customized an image. Illistrator, which we made our logo. And XD which we are designing our website with.
This week we made our sub sites to the about page and this one, the blog page. We also customized our sites more and to different designs for the most part. We learned how to add images to the background.
The past week we jumped into learning everything and set up most if not all the resources that we are using in this class. We set up our github and created a repository where our site is published from. Then we started to set up the actual website by setting up a "connection" between the computer and github. We added content and style to the website. At the end of the week we had a complete website with some content.